The Best Multi-Tasker
I threaten to blog a person and I am doing it today. There is one person in my life who should receive the "Best Multi-Tasker In The World"award if there was such a thing. Remy (Jules husband) is this person.
The other week I went to visit Jules. I needed to ask Remy a question and I saw him doing the following things.
1) Playing a video game
2) Working on his laptop
3) Down loading files on his PC
4) Talking on the house phone
5) Talking on his cell phone
6) Pet the pooches
7) Drinking a brewski
8) Talking to Jules
9) Watching TV
10) Listening to his son's music on Jules computer
11) Having a smoke
All I have to say is "Remy's My HERO!!!" Did I miss anything Jules?
not a thing, shug.
now if he could just mop the floor while doing all those other things, i'd be delighted.
Jules, At
12:49 AM
he puts my multi-tasking abilities to shame.
;) sizz
Sizzle, At
10:49 AM
Holy schnikies! Not all at once, that'd just be freaky.
Karl, At
11:47 AM
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