Hijacked: An Update and Final Request
Earlier this week, I hijacked Mikey's blog in an effort to raise funds for a new computer that would get him back on-line in the comfort of his own home. I've been in the same situation before, waiting for an open computer at the library or relying on an understanding friend to give me a little screen time so I could get my internet fix. Of course, in those days, I hadn't created a whole gang of close, cyber friends. Now, if it happened to me, I'd feel much like Mikey does these days, cut off from my social circle and support system, like a quiet little mouse in a corner no one ever noticed. I simply wouldn't be myself.
I set out on Tuesday with the hope of raising $300. There's a sweet little box at Fry's that would be perfect and runs just about $300 with tax and trimmings. As of this morning, the total collected for this effort is $225. Many of you have generously jumped on Mikey's bandwagon and donated the price of lunch or dinner and more. I am, of course delighted and Mikey (though he didn't want me to do this in the first place) is surprised and overwhelmed and feeling, I think, rather loved. Isn't that what it's all about anyway? Feeling like you're alone in the world and then finding a way to reach out and connect with people and from that, being able to give and get love.
This will be my last post and final plea, because with just another $75 dollars, we'll have Mikey back on-line by next weekend;gabbing it up in the Ross Chats, making the blog rounds to remind you that YOU TOO are connected and loved, opening up his own daily life for inspection and commiseration, and wowing us all with his home-grown activism. Send what's in your pocket, or the change beneath the seat in your car. We're almost there.