Poz Mikey


Computer Update, Dates

Well the one computer I had is in really bad shape and not sure if it can be fixed. I thought it would be the easiest but it's not!!! The other one I sent I am still waiting to hear about if it can be fixed.

To all the bloggers who are coming out to the San Francisco Bay, San Jose area. As soon as you know dates of when you are coming please e mail me at mikeysantacruz@yahoo.com so I can make arrangements to meet you. XXXOOO Mikey


  • Hey Mikey,

    I think/hope what we're planning on is to have one huge gettogether. I'm heading to San Francisco on Sunday, July 30th, after the BlogHer conference is over. Kapgar is also supposed to be in San Fran. Plus there's Sandra, Jacynth, and so on. We'll be getting more organized in the days to come.

    By Blogger Karl, At 8:57 PM  

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