The Best News I have Had In A Long Time
Before I tell you the news I received I want to tell you what I have been threw the past few years. According to my doctor I was infected sometime in 2001. Not thinking I needed to be tested I was getting sicker, and sicker, and not knowing I was sick. I was losing strength, energy , weight and not really thinking anything was wrong. I didn't want to go out and do anything from being fatigued all the time. On my days off I just wanted to stay home and chill in front of the TV. So in August and September of 2004 this white stuff was forming in my mouth. I later on found it was thrush. I had it so bad I could hardly swallow, talk, eat, and it was coming out of my mouth. I was actually coughing up chunks of thrush. I went to seek medical help and no one would help me, and I didn't have the money to see a doctor because of no income being so sick and not being able to work. I was maybe able to work 10 hours a week at my job. So finally Matthew my ex asked his doctor about thrush and his doctor asked him if I was tested lately for HIV? I wasn't tested between 2001 - 2004 because I wasn't intimate with anyone and felt I didn't need to be tested. September 30, 2004 is the day I was tested for HIV/AIDS and found out I was positive. It was exactly one week before my birthday. Then everyone wanted to help me. Was I devastated? Yes. I went to the doctor and my viral load was 555,221 and my T cells were at 65, my weight was at 110 pounds. Yes, I found out I had full blown AIDS. The second week in November of 2004 I ended up in the emergency room from being allergic to one of the anti virals I was taking at the time. Two weeks later, my land lord evicted Matthew and me because I couldn't pay the rent from being so sick, and my benefits have not been released yet. I was basically homeless and an organization here put me into a hotel for a week. This happened Thanksgiving week and the week after Thanksgiving, and I was made to pack and move being deathly ill. I ended up in a HIV support house. Since moving in there, I have had three room mates pass away from HIV. My viral load and t cells bouncing all around the place. I have dealt with people who were drug addicts and floppers. Now I want to bring you to October of 2005. My benefits run out and have no income. I go to the doctor T cells are at 483 viral load count 353. I tried to find a job but having very bad GI problems which I am still having and the doctor isn't sure what is causing the problem. After a lot of road blocks, troubles and tribulations from October threw December I'll bring you to January 2006. I started working part time for a hair dresser. See Hair Today Gone Tomorrow. So now it is yesterday. I have an appointment with my doctor in the afternoon. I walk in the doctor's office think wow with the stress I have been under, my viral load and T cell count are going to be out of this world. So I ask him how bad is the damage. Well he Said " Well there is good news and bad news. First your T cells went down 100 points but were at 399. The good news is your viral load is undetectable, and your white blood cell count went up to 20 percent. So we really think your T cell count is a false reading." The first word out of my mouth was "WHAT" he repeated what he said. The viral load is undetectable, and on top of that the 16 months of having thrush was gone. After September and October of 2004 that wasn't even in my mind possible. This gets better my roomy Driver came back and purchased a new Specialized bike for me this morning and when I went to pick up the bike there was a credit on my account for a new pair of bike shoes!!. Am I feeling like I am finally getting some breaks? Hell Yeah. Do I feel like my life is turning around now? You bet your sweet booty. So let's just say I have had the best 24 hours, and the best news I have had in a long, long time. Also to top it all off Driver is paying for the tattoo I wanted for awhile and got dial up for a month so I am back on the web. I am going to have to do something special for him before he leaves!!! I am moving into another HIV support house as of February 1st. Am I excited? Oh yeah, it even has a fireplace and bath tub.
i am so glad to see you smiling. life has a way of turning around in the best ways when you least expect it. :)
Sizzle, At
8:50 AM
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