Poz Mikey


411, Moving, OCD

I can inform you today of certain information I was censored from till now. For the past few weeks we have been hiding out a HIV client with OCD in my house. Why is this? For he is moving into the same support house I am as of February. The property manager would not have understood for her being the wicked witch of the west. She would have wanted him to be on the streets till the first of February. Being in the house alone I said sure to a certain ORG. I would like the company.

About a week ago I told you we had a break in at our place. Unfortunately I could not contact the authorities for if I did the witch would have found out the client was in the house with me. We both would have been living on the streets. My hands were tied on that option due to secretsy.

So most everything is packed now for the move. I went to see the room I will be living in at the new house. I am more then a little worried my bedroom set, and computer table will not fit. I love my computer table it's called the "Jerker." IKEA will love me if they read this posting knowing I put a link to their web site on my blog. The room is long and narrow with a little cut away alcove (I'm not sure what's it called). Most of my stuff is packed tonight. I still have a few things in the kitchen, and I'm going to pack all the electronics last so I can enjoy them before the move. I found out I can receive DSL at my new place. I will be wired up again as soon as all of us can figure out what telephone lines goes with each room. Shit I wanted to be in and wired the same day. So I might have trouble posting till next week.

Today I was packing up, and I'll call the person with OCD Jose. Let me tell you Jose was drunk last night and invaded my personal space. He came into my room while I was working on the posting from hell for hours, kiss me squarely on the lips. Yuck, he is so not my type and had alcohol breath to boot. I tried to pull back but was unable to and he wrenched my neck with both hands so I was trapped. He smelled like a drunken French whore with bad perfume on his body. He also had the attitude to match if you get my drift.

We had a little talk today, two talks actually (I talked, he listened both times) about personal space, and personal property. Jose's OCD compulsion is cleaning. Most people would enjoy this, I did too until certain items were moved, thrown out, ect. Yes the house sparking clean, and that is so nice to come home to find after a hard days work, or a vacation (ask JULES). In the midst of frenzy packing, the person in charge of the new house shows up and we all headed to the new home. (I know repeat. You repeated. Didn't you tell us all this early?) Not all. So we come back dropping off Jose, me unlocking the door for him and taking off again to run a few errands. I come back to find all my half packed boxes down stairs, not taped up, not marked. The things I needed to go threw were moved. He did this once or twice before. Dummy me let it slide those times.

Here's why I am so upset over Jose. He went threw my food cabinet which was clearly marked and tossed my food away, or took what he wanted(I wasn't working at the time and relying on other peoples charity). He went threw my bathroom needs drawer everything was missing but my hair clippers, guards, and an electric razor. I figured out calculating he has cost me over $40.00 dollars or more from his OCD, and who knows how much time going back redoing things, searching for things he has moved. Yes, I looked for over half an hour for the measuring cup he moved. I won't mention how long I looked for the cutting board.(finally found on top of the fridge out of my sight line) or how he took my roll of quarters (in which he replaced after I called him out) off the dryer, then folded my cloths on top( I hate people going threw my undies), or the library book he moved and almost cost me a replacement fee. He really isn't that bad of a person and as soon as we work out our boundary lines we should be good roommates. He really isn't as bad as Jack Nicholson in "As Good As it Gets"

Today I just could not take him. I yelled for Jose the second time to come talk then proceeded to lose my temper. I don't believe I said this but I actually quoted David Spade's character in "The Emperor's New Groove" "You no touchy, no touchy" now for my own words "In other words, keep your fucking hands off my shit!!! I asked you before nicely now I am telling you no fucking more!!"

So I need to learn more about OCD and people living with OCD. Hopefully the other roommates will be more understanding then I was today. I also want to thank Ms. Sizzle for todays OCD link from "Sing It, Piano Man."

*footnote- After reading this posting a few times I think to myself God I might have OCD. How many times did you mention you were packing!!.


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