Poz Mikey


The Wetsuit Wiggle

I can always tell when I am not going through one of my depression stages from the meds I take everyday. How is that you ask yourself? Well I start to look at guys again and think hmm I like to do him, and him and him. Living in one of the surf capitols of the world you get to see a lot of nice, and not so nice bodies getting in and out of their wetsuits. I call this the wetsuit wiggle. Where their wetsuit's have such a tight seal they have to wiggle their gorgeous bodies just to get in and out of them. Sometimes if your really lucky, you might get a really nice, tight, bare, butt shot should their towels happen to fall. Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose to draw attention to themselves. So once in awhile I like to ride up to Steamers Lane, or to Pleasure Point and see a nice piece or two of eye candy. If you have ever watched the movie "The Lost Boys" you have seen the "LANE" at the beginning of the film when they are driving into town.


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